Saturday, August 22, 2009

what exactly is friend?

It had been a hectic week
Busy writing report
Doing calculation for the structure project
Barely able to hold together
At the same time of being busy
Feeling of frustration has been gushing out

Had been feeling that I am a failure as a friend
Most of the people nowadays don't seem to be able to find any topic/reason to look for me unless they want me to teach them something
Do I seem like a walking encyclopedia/a teacher to you?
Well I don't mean that I m not willing to teach anyone in their study
As a matter of fact I love to teach
But do people really think of me as their friend though
90% of the msg that i received ask me to teach them sth
And ppl who chat with me normally require me to look for them to start the chat
I hope ppl do realise that I am their friend
I am not only available when they need to know/ask sth
I am tired of such a life
I have been meaning to ask this
Am I really such a bad friend
Am I only good for asking question?
Do I treat people badly?

Well enough of the insane babbling
Just trying to write sth out, thats all
You ppl can ignore me
I guess i am just feeling..errr...duno:P
Time to get ready for the upcoming 30 hours famine camp =)
Gonna post more when I am free ^^