Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Had a game of futsal today with friends from monash
It has been such a long time since i last played futsal or football
Thought i might lose all the feel of the ball
Apparently i can still play
Even though still lousily:P
It wasn't a bad game
We have fun today
As expected, Miss Chua and Miss Tan joined us

It isn't really such a bad idea to relax sometimes before the exam
Instead of shutting urself up in a room
And stuff urself with all the books and exercises
Even though i have been relaxing quite alot =p

Well i m not being really coherent here
Sentences all mixing up
Might have been due to the numbness of my fingers
or the fatigue
or my mind just refuse to work
But well who cares...
This is my personal space =D

Ok will end this here
must force myself to study
see you guys
good luck to everyone in the finals^^